About Us

What We're All About

An Innovative Designer.  The Advantages of working with our trainer who has experience in many different fields are the new solutions that we offer and bring a fresh perspective to develop new concepts that are totally different.


Learn Something Every Day

Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. People think it’s this veneer – that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” 

Mailkarjun ingalagi
Founder and Director
Our Vision

Who We Are

"Excelling through Innovation."

Finding solutions is what we do best, whether it’s problem-solving, inventing, creating, finding the next-gen product, or cost reduction. Mallikarjun is a Product Developer and designer and founder and director of Aarna Solutions based in Bangalore. Our Vision statement “Excelling through Innovation” signifies our fundamental desire to play a constructive product development Engineering role across various product categories.

We provide expert product design training services to individuals and market leaders across a wide range of industries. Whether you’re starting with just a kernel of an idea or have an existing product that is ready for its next generation or application, we can help. Our experience, expertise, and passion for design and engineering deliver products that solve market needs, minimize manufacturing costs, are safe and reliable – and thrill end users.

Mallikarjun works with clients from the briefing stage to pilot production and tooling assistance. Throughout the idealization and concept development cycle, we closely interact with various relevant departments of our client, to provide faster, simpler, and feasible innovations.

Over the years he has developed an expertise in providing manufacture-ready innovative design solutions. Our collective experience of working on a variety of projects across industries and consumer segments has given us an insight into these industries, reflecting in our designs.

We understand better than most that great ideas and great design are only the starts of the journey, and the destination our clients seek is low cost, problem-free manufacturing, high margins, product performance, reliability, and product longevity.

Best Industry Leaders

A full development service all under one roof, Access to high level industrial design skills and thought how to Plan projects and manage in detail.

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

Different people have different pace for learning and we have the ability to respond rapidly and integrate to you.

Professional Certification

With our Knowledge of regulatory processes and procedures, We make people successful who are capable of developing quickly.

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